Former Director of the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics
Former professor of National Defense University,Aerospace TT&C Senior Engineer
Former member of the Standing Committee of the Science and Technology Committee of CASC、Chief engineer of satellite engineering
Chief Engineer of Remote Sensing Satellite Application of National Defense Bureau of Science and Industry
Former Chief Engineer of CASC
Executive Deputy Director of Ccastic、Deputy Chief Supervisor of Csaspace
Deputy Director of Ccastic
Director of aerospace industry in Dassault Systems
President of EqualOcean
Managing Director of Dachen Caizhi Venture Capital
Executive Director of Dinghui Baifu Investment
Director of Imech,Chairman of Cas-space
Under-Secretary-General of Glac
Partner of Yuanhang Capital
Deputy Secretary-General of Carsa
Research and development of overall, subsystem, single machine and component of new spacecraft represented by rockets, satellites and spacecraft
Future space applications represented by space tourism, interstellar communication, moon development, space mining, etc; Emerging satellite applications and ground facilities and equipment manufacturing and application services represented by communications, navigation and remote sensing
Derivative innovation services of aerospace technology in various fields of economic and social development, including aerospace cultural creativity, aerospace cultural tourism, aerospace science popularization research, satellite financial media and other derivative innovation services
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